الأربعاء، 5 نوفمبر 2008


Totana Theatre Group was born under the initiative of a group of children who were joining a continuous theatre workshop leaded by the members El-Khayyal El-Shaabi Theatre Group. After several years of experience, the children have worked different techniques of theatre always following the methodology of the collective creation and with the objective of giving the children a critical view of the reality that is around them and the democratic processes to be able to work in groups and take common decisions taking more and more responsibilities with the time with the objective to form an independent theatre group in the future.
The work is also focused to give the children the opportunity of improve an enlightened mentality and to support them to be creative, innovative, have a critical view and the urge to change reality for the better. The facilitators provide them with opportunities to practice their right in knowledge and learning; their right to express themselves; and to practice fine arts concerned with their issues.
The workshop started in 2003 and since them, the children have been trained in different aspects of the theatre: Puppets, social theatre and clown and has produced several performances:
· Ana mish khaif: Puppet theatre (2003)
· Aswat el-layla: An Egyptian adaptation of the Gianni Rodari’s tale (2004)
· Keda…wa keda: Clown technique (2006)
· Zahma!: Experimental theatre from improvisations.
The workshop has been conceived as a continuous work and the children have decided to form a theatre group that is called Totana.
In 2007 and 2008 the group participated in the international theatre exchange “Getting to Know Each Other through Theatre” that took place in Barcelona (Spain) and Halle (Germany).